My boyfriend is honestly such a kind soul. He hates having his picture taken. He's not big on social media. He's old school.
Yet every weekend or once in a while he let's me follow him around photographing his bones. He knows it makes me happy and I love to practice photography. He also knows I'm too shy to take pictures of anyone else.
So every once in a while he humors me and let's me watch him from behind my lens. Let's me capture his smile and the way he looks at life. I know his angles and his laugh lines and the way his face dances in certain lights.
We're the opposite of present in the internet world. I don't take pictures for likes and we don't "selfie" or anything together. I'm always the one taking pictures, never in them, never with him yet every photo is a moment, a significant memory. There's photos of sunsets and trees and even out of focus scenes. Those photos are our timelines. Time stamps of progressing emotion.
Photos that aren't for the world but instead for him and for me.