My bathroom is kind of a pain. The sink handles are always getting in the way of my toothbrush holder and soaps. This Bath Caddy is freaking adorable. It reminds me of one of those posh little characters from Beauty and the Beast.
(Via: Anthropologie)
I got Dilshika one of these simple cardholders for Christmas and ever since I've been wanting to buy one for myself too.
(Via: UrbanOutfitters)
This is so absurd and I'm certain that if I buy myself one, I'll never pop it purely because then it'd be gone, but aren't these freaking adorable? I'm sorry, I'm too cool for confetti, here's some potpourri.
(Via: UrbanOutfitters)
Pretty much every print from this shop is incredibly incredibly rad. I'm clearly not too big on pops of color pieces but these pictures are too cool not to mention.
(Via: ArtisticSideOfLife)
In case you missed your fix of Stefanie's weird obsession with funky smelling candles, here's a fern and moss amber glass candle that I would love to get. I'm not home enough anymore to enjoy my candles but that doesn't mean that I'm not constantly still looking to buy more. It's a problem, seriously.
Something about Valentines Day is drawing me to red lingerie, this bra is so sexy, it's really not fair. I can't decide between that one or this one, the strappy red lace look is just dreamy. I'm sending out a PSI - I need bigger boobs, asap.
Recently I've been insanely inspired by Erica Choi from Eggcanvas, holy moly her photography posts and the way she journals her stories with images is incredible.
I've also made a new little personal goal to post more on instagram this week so follow that adventure here and be sure to let me know so I can follow ya'll too!
Honestly, it's been a mellow week. Next week I'll begin a new workout routine and work schedule and maybe find more time to just have some fun. Have a nice weekend everyone x