
Scary Dairy - Camarillo, CA

Shay likes scary movies and haunted places so yesterday we drove through the farm lands and found our way to Camarillo. We had originally planned on going to the Camarillo State Hospital which is also known to be an abandoned haunted mental institute. We decided to save that for another day and ventured to the Scary Dairy, an old rundown dairy factory that sits on the same grounds. 

The dairy farm was said to be run by the staff and patients of the State Hospital as a form of work experience and additional income for the hospital. The farm closed down in 1960 and ever since stories of hauntings and strange happenings circle these abandoned ruins. The area is fenced off and lays with broken doorways, smashed windows, scary murals, and window frames. Shay and I explored the grounds and as I snapped photos he led us down the creepy hallways. The building has an eery sense to it and as we explored the sun hid behind grey clouds shadowing the experience. 

As me moved closer to the tall dairy farm suddenly a familiar smell of cooked sausage filled the air. We headed inside the tall mold and found a single rope dangling from the top. I kept expecting someone to come up behind us. At one point, the shingles of the roof began to shake lightly and though I convinced myself it was just the wind, the leaves on all the surrounding trees were still. As the sun began to set, I grabbed Shay's hand and led us out to find back to my car. He doesn't get spooked easily but I wasn't about to stay in an abandoned dairy farm after dark. If you're planning on going to explore, note that the gates of the lot close at sunset so make sure not to get locked in. 

If you're a thrill seeker, I'm sure a nighttime hike to this farm would bring on a rush, but for me it was a beautiful mess of colors and webs that I found neat to photograph. We're going to try to find more places like these, abandoned, old, haunted maybe, to see. I hope to go back soon and actually visit the hospital grounds as well. Imagine what creepy sounds and scary paths those walls will hide.


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