Since lately I've been whipping out a bunch of beauty posts, today I though I'd sit down and write something a bit more lifestyle oriented. Now, I'm thinking of making this maybe a monthly series of what I'm loving when it comes to music, shows or maybe even movies. It doesn't have to be limited to just those either but I figured it would be a cool opportunity to show you guys some bands I'm loving or shows that maybe not all of you have heard about. I thought I might as well just give it a go, so let's get started.
First off, I have been obsessed.. no really, OBSESSED with this new show called Reign. I'm a big history junkie but usually period dramas are not something I'm into, I liked Game of Thrones but it wasn't something casual enough for me to want to bing watch all the way through. Now this show is fairly new but I discovered it about a week ago and genuinely watched all six episode in a matter of two days. I've even begun watching them again, that's how much I enjoy it. The show is set in 1557 France and follows the life of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots at French court where she is waiting to wed Francis, France's future king, which will basically ensure an alliance between France and Scotland. So.. there's the basic plot now let's get to the juicy details. Francis is ohmygod gorgeous and Mary is so beautiful it's crazy not to fall in love, it is a CW show so similar to the Vampire Diaries everyone on the show is soooo bloody attractive it almost hurts. Francis also has a 'bastard' brother named Sebastian who ya, you guessed it, is gorgeous and there's all these love affairs and secrets and drama; ugh it's just amazing. But, it's not all drama, a lot of it does have to do with history and it's pretty cool watching the story unfold and unravel in a modern new light. England is trying to invade Scotland and France is having to decide with whom an alliance would better profit their country so sometimes matters of the heart aren't even relevant in the grand scheme of things. Also, not to mention the costume design is brilliant. I want every one of their dresses, Mary's outfit choices are always so breathtaking and just everyone constantly looks hot. I would definitely recommend it to anyone and everyone. It's a historical mess of drama, sex, and alliances, what's not to love?
Speaking of amazing shows, American Horror Story is back and this time around, we're dealing with witches. I loved season one and enjoyed season two so when I heard season three was coming out, I was just bouncing off the walls. I especially enjoy that the producers always bring back the same actors and actresses, and bring them to play such complex roles every season. Seriously, everyone on the show is so amazing. This season it's about a school that opens in New Orleans to teach young witches how to protect themselves. There's also a long-held rivalry between the witches of Salem and the Voodoo practitioners of New Orleans so it's bound to get a little messy. I will admit I am not too impressed with this season, I think my hopes were just too high. The plot is unraveling just way too slow for me and there's not enough Evan Peters! Jessica Lange who plays Fiona is doing marvellous as usual and I was really happy to see they brought back Taissa Farmiga from season one to play Zoe Benson but other than that, the story is a little dry. I love witches and I feel like they could of done a lot more with it but I still enjoy it quite a lot and watch it every week so hopefully it'll unravel more and I'll come to like it even better.
Lastly, my music obsessions have been Mansions on the Moon and Prides. Now, my best friend introduced me to Prides and I will admit their style is a little different but I just really dig it. They're a Scottish snythpop band that's just starting out but they're new single is so beautiful. They kind of remind me of MGMT but the lead vocalist, Stewart Brock has a voice that's just so intoxicating and I could find myself getting lost in the words so easily. I would definitely recommend checking out their single 'Out of the Blue'. They're alternative, really fun to dance to and overall enthralling. My favorite band of the moment however, would have to be Mansions on the Moon. They are just so lovely and wonderful and I am addicted. It sucks that not many people know about them because they're bloody amazing. If I had to choose I would say my favourite two songs by them would have to be 'Full Moon' and 'Radio'. They're kind of electronic indie rock and the lead vocalist Ted Wendler is brilliant. Lyrics are really important to me when it comes to music, I love when a song has a good tune but when it's backed up by powerful words, I'm completely hooked. MOTM's song Radio has a smooth sound with lyrics mentioning how just "because you heard on the radio, doesn't make it beautiful". They kind of address the issue with current music because so many people are stuck with the 'mainstream' tunes that play on the radio and are convinced that that's all that's out there. There's so much amazing music out there and we need to branch out sometimes and give bands a chance that don't always sound like the guys rapping on the radio. Mansions on the Moon is definitely a band I would recommend ya'll to give a listen to.
What are you guys into at the moment? Do you have any shows or bands that you're loving, I'd love to check some of them out! Please leave a comment down bellow with your current favourites.
Stefanie xx
Ohh amazing selection here tbh I have not watched any but I am wanting to start watching the American Horror Story series as its something I am interested in x Reign also sounds amazing going to track these shows down online make great night time viewing :D x
GLAMGLOW + Macadamia Oil Giveaway ♥
I've been streaming the new series of AHS in the UK, I reckon the 2nd Series was the best so far, although I've no clue how Coven is gonna end!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think we can get the other shows here though :(