So, recently I have been going a little crazy with my makeup purchases. I was always the kind of girl who honestly preferred quantity over quality with make up. For some reason, growing up I thought that I'd be cool if I owned loads of make up and so I constantly purchased anything under the sun that was cheap and affordable just so it seemed like I had a lot. Now, I have definitely come to the point where I would much rather spend a lot of money on good quality makeup rather than have cheap makeup that makes me look like a clown. I'm not the kind of girl who has the whole nature beauty thing going on, it takes effort to make myself look presentable and I love make up so I'm not actually afraid to say that. We all have beauty nightmares and mistakes that we make when we're young, heck I was rocking the racoon eyeliner look for a good two years back when I first started wearing make up. I think now I've just come to the point of being a bit more mature and knowing what looks work for me and what don't. Anywho, part of my insane spending spree included my purchase for my very first Mac Lipstick... I know, I know, I'm totally part of the cool crowd now.
I purchased the Mac Lustre Lipstick in the colour Touch (€15) and I have to admit I'm decently pleased with it. I feel like when it comes to buying Mac products, if the lady at the counter doesn't really help you... especially when it's your first time, you may run into some trouble. Personally, the only experience I had with Mac Lipsticks or lipstick in general (since I'm not a big lip product person) was through youtube videos and blog posts I'd read. I do now know that since I'm not a big fan of the frosty look of lipsticks I should probably stay away from the Lustre Collection. Instead the Satin kinds would most likely work for me a lot better since they're a semi-matte finish with just a hint of sheen. That being said, Touch is a beautiful colour for an everyday on the go, natural finish. I'm a NC30 and for my beige skin colouring this colour is just the right hint of oolala for my lips. I don't think that lipsticks with striking vibrant colours fit me, I have very small lips and a natural colour is much more face friendly for me. I like that is a bit sophisticated and even though when first applying it is too shiny for my liking, after about five minutes it settles into a really lovely finish.
However, I have to admit there are some pretty rough negatives to this lipstick. It is very drying, I do have semi dry lips but constantly use lip balms and try to get them under control. I've been using this lipstick for a little over a week now and my lips have never been this dry. It's come to the point where I'm going to run to Lush tomorrow and pick up a Lip Scrub because I cannot handle how rough they are right now. The cold weather definitely isn't helping and I think since this formula is just very drying, I might have to put off wearing it until I get my lips back under control. Another negative would have to be that it only lasts maybe two hours, three if you're lucky. I like that it leaves a very very soft stain so that as it's vanishing it mixes with my natural lip colour and it doesn't simply look like half of it is gone but I think since these lipsticks are rather pricey they should also last on the lips for longer periods of time.
So, my first Mac Lipstick definitely has some major ups and downs. I'll admit a lot of it is my fault because I trusted that the women at the counter would help but instead, I think for future reference I'll have to do some more research before buying. The Lustre collection may not be for me but if you like frosty lipstick and want something natural, sophisticated, and simple, I would truly recommend this lipstick for you. It's the best lipstick I've ever owned which shows I'm really not a lip product junkie but for future Mac purchases I'll most likely go for a lip colour that lasts longer and has a more matte finish.
What's your favourite Mac Lipstick? Let me know in the comments down bellow!
Stefanie xx
The lipstick color looks beautiful. I have such a fascination with mac lipsticks. x